Hi, I'm Narain! A full stack software engineer, Web / Javascript specialist, a tech mentor & speaker, an opensource enthusiast and freelance specialist passionate about web platform (especially PHP/JavaScript).
I recently moved to Italy from Karachi, Pakistan for my master studies in Computer Engineering at UniSalento.it.
I've been working with Web Technologies (i.e., PHP & Laravel, Python & Django/Flask, Typescript, Angular, React, RxJS, Node.js, Express.js/Koa2, Loopback, Firebase, Webpack, Docker, etc) since 2015.
I'm a huge fan of test-driven development and maintaining a high standard of code quality by following the market-standards and best-practices. One of my key goals when developing a software is to design it in a way that it's easy to maintain and scale.
I've been part of various projects where I've had the range of responsibilities from the development of a user-friendly UI with the help of JavaScript frameworks like Angular/React, well-documented API servers using Node.js including a secure and scalable deployment of web-applications to cloud services like Amazon AWS.
Moreover, I enjoy speaking in front of a crowd, giving training, mentoring and sharing my knowledge through workshops or presentations at different community events and meetups. In my spare time, I enjoy watching cinemas, reading, traveling, visiting new places, and long walks.

You may find all of my talks over YouTube playlist here

Got some questions? or Need some technical help? You can ask me here

Wanna hire me? Get in touch with me here

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